ÃÖ°í°úÇбâ¼úÀλó¼ö»ó ±â³ä°¿¬: On the wild world of 4-manifolds
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2013. 09. 26.
Despite of the fact that 4-dimensional manifolds together with 3-dimensional
manifolds are the most fundamental and important objects in geometry
and topology and topologists had great achievements in 1960's, there
has been little known on 4-manifolds, in particular on smooth and symplectic
4-manifolds, until 1982. In 1982, M. Freedman classified completely
simply connected topological 4-manifolds using intersection forms and
S. Donaldson introduced gauge theory to show that some topological 4-manifolds
do not admit a smooth structure. Since then, there has been a great
progress in smooth and symplectic 4-manifolds mainly due to Donaldson
invariants, Seiberg-Witten invariants and Gromov-Witten invariants.
But the complete understanding of 4-manifolds is far from reach, and
it is still one of the most active research areas in geometry and topology.
My main research interest in this area is the geography problems of
simply connected closed smooth (symplectic, complex) 4-manifolds. The
classical invariants of a simply connected closed 4-manifold are encoded
by its intersection form
a unimodular symmetric bilinear pairing on H2(X : Z). M.
Freedman proved that a simply connected closed 4-manifold is determined
up to homeomorphism by
But it turned out that the situation is strikingly different in the
smooth (symplectic, complex) category mainly due to S. Donaldson. That
is, it has been known that only some unimodular symmetric bilinear integral
forms are realized as the intersection form of a simply connected smooth
(symplectic, complex) 4-manifold, and there are many examples of infinite
classes of distinct simply connected smooth (symplectic, complex) 4-manifolds
which are mutually homeomorphic. Hence it is a fundamental question
in the study of 4-manifolds to determine which unimodular symmetric
bilinear integral forms are realized as the intersection form of a simply
connected smooth (symplectic, complex) 4-manifold - called a existence
problem, and how many distinct smooth (symplectic, complex) structures
exist on it - called a uniqueness problem. Geometers and topologists
call these ¡®geography problems of 4-manifolds¡¯.
Since I got a Ph. D. with a thesis, Seiberg-Witten invariants of rational
blow-downs and geography problems of irreducible 4-manifolds, I have
contributed to the study of 4-manifolds by publishing about 30 papers
- most of them are average as usual and a few of them are major breakthrough
for the development of 4-manifolds theory. In this talk, I'd like to
survey what I have done, what I have been doing and what I want to do
in near future.